Welcome to NebraskaDad

I’m just a dad making my way through everyday life trying to raise my daughter the best way I know how.  I’ve decided to start this blog in an attempt to not only keep track of all the things in my daughters life that amaze me daily – there are several – but also in order to pass along any insight or advice that might be helpful to both dads in my area and across the internet.  Dads are getting more and more credit every day when it comes to being a more diverse and  multi-talented aspect of their children’s lives outside of the normal “bring home the bacon, 1950’s suit and tie” dad standard.  I have dad friends who are stay at home, dad friends who have full custody of their kids and everywhere in between and I want to try to speak to and for all of them.

I hope that as you read my posts and follow this blog you gain some insight into my life and times as well as get some good ideas of how you too can be a better, more diverse father; capable of raising the next generation of superhero kids.  I’m open to any and all suggestions as I’m fairly new to this blog game and always have room to learn and grow.

Cheers and father on!